5 Ways To Get Rid Of Clover - Get rid of oxalis

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Clover - Get rid of oxalis

Get rid of clover for good

Pull clover out from the roots

Small and young clover plants can be pulled out from the roots. This is easiest when the soil is soft and wet. Pulling is only effective in immature populations of clover.

Dig out the roots

Use a pickaxe or shovel to dig out the roots. Mature clover roots can have a taproot as deep as one foot and many lateral roots that spread far past the source plant, as a result, digging must be deep and thorough in order to be effective.

Be careful of spreading cuttings

Do not leave cuttings of clover on the ground. The cuttings will take root and sprout a new plant. It is very important to take the plant to a disposal facility or bag it in a plastic bag so further spreading does not occur.


Be sure to read and follow all the instructions on your herbicide label. It is best to have a licensed professional apply herbicide. Natural methods such as vinegar will not kill clover. The only effective clover killer is herbicide.


Cut the clover to ground level. Cover the area in an opaque tarp or sheet of plastic. It is very important no light can pass through the covering. This will prevent the clover from photosynthesizing and the plants and root system will eventually die after one year or more of being covered.

What is clover?

Clover or “Oxalis” is an ornamental and invasive plant widespread on Vancouver island. There are many varieties of clover, some of which are more invasive than others. This article is focused on the invasive varieties. Clover establishes itself quickly and grows a deep taproot as well as a rapidly expanding system of roots and stems that sprout new plants. A single clover can produce up to 5000 seeds per year.

Why is clover invasive?

  • A single clover plant can turn into a patch containing thousands of individual plants
  • Clover spreads underground through a rapidly expanding system of roots and stems that constantly sprouts new plants
  • Clover produces extremely resilient growth that re-sprouts after cutting
  • A single clover plant can produce as many as 5000 seeds per year
  • Clover seed pods explode and shoot seeds as far as 10 feet from the source plant
  • Clover can quickly consume an area and cover the entire ground
  • Stems form new roots when they come in contact with the ground
  • Clover can withstand almost all soil conditions

Why is it crucial to remove clover?

  • Clover crowds out native species
  • Clover infestations will get worse over time
  • Clover can harm natural waterways
  • Clover can spread to neighbouring property
  • Clover thrives and spreads rapidly in almost all soil conditions

Permanently removing clover

Small clover infestations can be removed manually. Large infestations will require heavy digging.

An alternative method is the use of herbicide. One month after the herbicide treatment the root system will die. The clover infestation will then be cut to ground level, all cut material is cleaned up and hauled away.

After the clover is dead and removed the area should be replanted with grass or with other suitable ground cover to reclaim the area and prevent the clover from coming back.

Ascent Yard Care has permanently removed hundreds of clover infestations since our business was founded in 2017. We carry a license from the province of BC for landscape herbicide application.

Clover removal cost

Contact us for a free in-person quote in Victoria, BC and Jake will provide an exact work order and quote.

Won’t the clover just grow back?

In the worst infestations, up to 2 follow up visits may be necessary to completely eradicate re-growth. Most clover patches we service are completely and permanently removed in one visit.

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We care intensely about the success of each project. Contact us for a free in-person quote in Victoria, BC.


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