5 Ways To Remove Bamboo: The Unassuming Foe

5 Ways To Remove Bamboo: The Unassuming Foe

Beyond the Beauty: How the Destructive Nature of Bamboo Lowers Property Value


Lush, green, and fast-growing, bamboo may initially seem like the perfect plant for adding an exotic flair to your garden. Its aesthetic appeal, privacy advantages, and hardiness are undeniable. However, its invasive nature and potential destructiveness can become an unsuspecting nightmare for homeowners and can have significant consequences for property value.

Bamboo's Underlying Threat

Behind the allure of bamboo lies a more sinister reality. Bamboo, especially running bamboo species, is known for its aggressive and invasive growth. Equipped with a remarkable underground network of stems, known as rhizomes, bamboo can spread rapidly and uncontrollably. Its strength and persistence allow it to push through and damage hard structures like pavements, foundations, and even invade plumbing systems.

Why is bamboo invasive?

  • A single bamboo plant can turn into a patch containing thousands of stems
  • Bamboo spreads underground through a rapidly expanding root system that constantly sprouts new plants
  • Bamboo produces extremely vigorous and resilient growth that re-sprouts after cutting

Why is it crucial to remove bamboo?

  • A single bamboo plant can spread to form large patches that can cover several acres of land over time if left unmanaged
  • Bamboo is highly invasive
  • Bamboo crowds out native species
  • Bamboo infestations will get worse over time
  • Bamboo can harm natural waterways
  • Heavy bamboo infestation can lower property value
  • Bamboo can spread to neighbouring property
  • The spread of bamboo degrades natural areas and displaces native plants

The Damage Explained

Over time, the bamboo's robust rhizomes and speedy growth can lead to substantial infrastructural damage. They can undermine foundations, lift concrete paths, penetrate sewer lines, and overrun garden spaces. Such damages, aside from being costly to repair, can cause serious structural concerns that may compromise the safety and functionality of a property.

Influence on Property Value

Such structural damage can significantly lower a property's value. When potential buyers learn of the existence of invasive bamboo species on a property and understand the potential cost and effort of eradication, it can often be a deal-breaker or a point for heavy price negotiation. Additionally, bamboo's rapid spread could lead to disputes with neighbours if it invades their property, leading to strained relationships and potential legal issues.

Ecological Impact

The environmental implications are no less severe. Bamboo can outcompete native plants for resources, decreasing local biodiversity. This ecological degradation can be seen negatively by environmentally conscious buyers, further impacting the property's desirability and value.

Bamboo Identification and Removal

The best defense against the adverse impacts of bamboo on property value is early identification and removal. If invasive bamboo is identified on your property, it's imperative to take swift action.

Eradicating bamboo can be a complex task, merely cutting or mowing the bamboo won't eliminate it, as the underground rhizomes will continue to spread. Complete removal often involves cutting the bamboo to the ground and then diligently removing or killing the remaining rhizomes.

Professional help may be required for large or well-established bamboo invasions. Specialists can ensure that all parts of the plant are removed, and provide advice on preventing regrowth.

5 Ways to Remove Bamboo

  1. Trim the bamboo canes to ground level. Use loppers or a handsaw for cutting small and medium-sized bamboo, while large patches may require power equipment. Although cutting alone is effective for managing a bamboo patch, it will not completely eliminate it.
  2. Excavate the roots and rhizomes. After cutting the canes to ground level, you can dig out the underground rhizomes and roots. Start from the outer edge of the bamboo patch and work your way inward.
  3. Consider mowing as an alternative. If the canes have been cut to ground level and the area is flat enough, regular mowing can be an effective option. Since bamboo grows quickly, frequent mowing is necessary for it to be successful.
  4. When necessary, we employ eco-friendly treatments to eradicate bamboo. This involves cutting the plant down to the stump, then precisely treating the small new leaves that sprout. Following the treatment the root system will die. Our treatment will not kill other plants and has no soil activity or run off.
  5. Use covering as another option. Instead of digging, you can cover the bamboo crowns with an opaque tarp or plastic sheet. Ensure that no light can penetrate the covering, as this will prevent photosynthesis and eventually lead to the death of the bamboo.

Bamboo Removal Cost

We provide spurge laurel removal in both Victoria, BC and Vancouver, BC. Contact us for a free in-person quote.

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