7 Proven Strategies to Eliminate Horsetail: Victoria, BC

7 Proven Strategies to Eliminate Horsetail: Victoria, BC

Why Horsetail is Terrible Weed Plus and a Comprehensive Removal Guide

What is Horsetail?

Horsetail is a terrible garden weed due to its aggressive spread through deep, extensive root systems and spore reproduction, often outcompeting other plants for vital resources. Its persistent roots can also damage garden infrastructure, such as pavements and drainage systems, causing additional headaches for homeowners and gardeners.

Why is Horsetail Invasive?

Rapid Growth: Horsetail has an incredibly fast growth rate, enabling it to take over an area quickly.

Extensive Root System: Its root system is extensive and can reach depths of several feet, allowing it to spread widely underground.

Underground Spread: Horsetail spreads underground through a rapidly expanding system of roots which constantly sprouts new plants

Vegetative Reproduction: Horsetail reproduces vegetatively, meaning small pieces of root can grow into a new plant.

Spore Production: Besides vegetative reproduction, Horsetail also reproduces through spores, which can be carried by the wind to new locations.

Resilience: Horsetail is incredibly hardy and can survive in a range of conditions, from poor soils to waterlogged areas.

Persistence: Even after attempts at removal, Horsetail can regrow from any remaining fragments of root left in the soil.

Nutrient Hogging: Horsetail is a heavy feeder and can outcompete other plants for nutrients in the soil.

Water Consumption: It's well-adapted to waterlogged areas and can outcompete other plants for water resources.

Hard to Eradicate: Because of its deep roots and ability to regrow from small fragments, Horsetail is extremely difficult to eradicate fully.

Resistance to Control Measures: Horsetail is resistant to many common herbicides, making chemical control difficult.

Rapid Spread: A single horsetail plant can turn into a patch containing thousands of plants

Resilience: Horsetail produces extremely resilient growth that re-sprouts after cutting

Why is it crucial to remove Horsetail?

Aggressive Growth: Horsetail grows aggressively and can rapidly take over a garden, disrupting your garden's balance and aesthetics.

Resource Hog: It competes with other plants for water, sunlight, and nutrients, potentially causing them to weaken and die.

Deep Root System: Horsetail's roots can grow four feet deep into the soil, making it hard to completely remove and allowing it to quickly regrow.

Damage to Infrastructure: Its strong, extensive root system can damage garden infrastructure, including paths, patios, and even building foundations.

Reduced Biodiversity: By outcompeting other plants, horsetail can reduce the biodiversity of your garden.

Resistance to Herbicides: Horsetail is notoriously resistant to many common herbicides, complicating efforts to control it.

Hazard to Pets: While not typically toxic, some pets may have allergic reactions to horsetail, causing irritation or other health issues.

Decrease Property Value: If left unchecked, a horsetail infestation can potentially decrease a property's value due to the cost and effort required to eradicate it.

Hinders Planting: Horsetail can make it difficult to plant new plants or maintain existing ones due to its invasive growth and resource dominance.

Time and Effort: Managing a horsetail infestation can take a significant amount of time and effort, detracting from the enjoyment of your garden.

Permanently removing Horsetail

Removal Plan

We devise a removal plan tailored to your specific situation. This plan will factor in your property's size, the horsetail's extent, soil conditions and the presence of other plants that need to be preserved.

Manual Removal

The removal process typically begins with manual extraction. Small horsetail patches can be removed manually, large horsetail patches require a different approach.


In many cases, manual removal is not enough, and a selective treatment is required. We choose an appropriate product for the specific species of horsetail present on your property.

Disposal of Removed Plant Material

Proper disposal of the removed horsetail is crucial to prevent re-infestation. We ensure all plant material is collected and disposed of in a manner that prevents regrowth or spread to other areas.


Post-treatment monitoring is essential to ensure the horsetail does not return. We schedule a follow-up visit to check for signs of regrowth and apply additional measures if necessary.

Want to try removing buttercup yourself? Follow these tips:

Pull horsetail out from the roots

Small and young horsetail plants can be pulled out from the roots. This is easiest when the soil is soft and wet.

Dig out the roots

Use a pickaxe or shovel to dig out the roots. Mature horsetail roots can grow as deep as 4 feet downward.

Be careful of spreading cuttings

Do not leave cuttings of horsetail on the ground. The cuttings will take root and sprout a new plant. It is very important to take the plant to a disposal facility or bag it in a plastic bag so further spreading does not occur.


Be sure to read and follow all the instructions on your herbicide label. It is best to have a licensed professional apply herbicide. Natural methods such as vinegar will not kill horsetail.


Cut the horsetail to ground level. Cover the area in an opaque tarp or sheet of plastic. It is very important no light can pass through the covering. This will prevent the horsetail from photosynthesizing and the plants and root system will eventually die after two years or more of being covered.

Horsetail removal cost

Contact us for a free in-person quote in Victoria, BC and Jake will provide an exact work order and quote.

Won’t the Horsetail just grow back?

In the worst infestations up to 2 follow up visits may be necessary to completely eradicate re-growth. Most Tree of Heaven patches we service are completely and permanently removed in one visit.

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