7 Ways To Get Rid Of Wild Rose

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Wild Rose

Get rid of wild rose for good

Cut wild rose to ground level

Cut it down to ground level with a handsaw, large loppers or chainsaw. Cutting alone will not eliminate wild rose as it will regrow from its roots but this is an important first step.

Pull wild rose out from the roots

Small and young wild rose plants can be pulled out from the roots. This is easiest when the soil is soft and wet.

Dig out the roots

Use a pickaxe or shovel to dig out the roots. Mature wild rose roots can grow as deep as 3 feet downward.

Be careful of spreading cuttings

Do not leave cuttings of wild rose on the ground. The cuttings will take root and sprout a new plant. It is very important to take the plant to a disposal facility or bag it in a plastic bag so further spreading does not occur.


Cut the wild rose to ground level. If the area is flat enough to mow this is an effective method. Wild rose grows very quickly so the area will need to be mowed weekly in order for this to be effective.


Be sure to read and follow all the instructions on your herbicide label. It is best to have a licensed professional apply herbicide. Natural methods such as vinegar will not kill wild rose. The only effective wild rose killer is herbicide. Herbicide can be applied after the wild rose is cut to ground level and new growth appears.


Cut the wild rose to ground level. Cover the area in an opaque tarp or sheet of plastic. It is very important no light can pass through the covering. This will prevent the wild rose from photosynthesizing and the plants and root system will eventually die after one year or more of being covered.

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